вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

Keep your child safe with cell phone monitoring apps

With access to the internet now easier than ever before, there has been a shocking and significant rise in the number of problems that are involving children, which are caused by unchecked internet access. The younger the child, the more impressionable they are and letting your child have access to a smart phone, that allows them to surf the internet without you knowing what they are up to, or who they are communicating with, could lead to all kinds of problems.

In the past, our parents would have to warn us about the potential dangers posed by talking and going off with strangers, this though was usually only when we were old enough to be trusted to go out without our parents. The thought of letting your child out to the local park or to run errands to the local store on their own, can leave some parents with a sense of foreboding. However, nowadays the local pedophile is more likely to chat to your son or daughter on the internet, rather than hanging around in the park or on street corners. It is ironic that many parents equip their children with a cell phone for use when they are out of the home by themselves, yet it is these very same cell phones that could actually put your child in danger.

Thanks to chat rooms, and social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, and messenger apps such as BlackBerry Messenger, and WhatsApp, it is easier than ever before, for your child to talk to strangers. The simple fact is that in a chat room or on a social media site, there is no guarantee’s that the boy or girl that your child is communicating with, is actually who they say they are. Sexual predators, especially those interested in children, will more often than not, set up a fake account, pretending to be a child, in order to chat to other children. When this happens then all kinds of serious problems can arise, from convincing your child to send photos of them to actually convincing them to meet up somewhere local.
That is something you need to think hard about before letting your child have access to the internet via a smart phone or tablet computer. Thankfully, there is now a solution to the problem of how you find out just what your son or daughter is doing when they are using their cell phone as a number of companies have launched what have become known as cell phone spy apps.

These cell phone spy apps, such as the one presented by the company mSpy, allow you, the parent, to keep tabs on the activity that your child indulges in when they are using their smart phone. By downloading the app on to the cell phone, you will be able to log in to your mSpy account, and have instant access to all the data relating to the phones usage. From things such as, phone calls, emails, SMS messages, social network sites, and even the record of any photos and videos that have either been sent or received. Keeping you in the loop with regards to your child’s online activities as well as helping you to keep them safe.